Shocking figures released by Sustrans to mark this year’s Bike to School Week reveal that only 2% of children cycle to school, but many more wish they could. The cycling charity Sustrans commissioned a UK-wide YouGov survey of 1,305 children aged 6-15 to find out about their journey to and from school. The survey found that just 2% of pupils actually travel by bike, but 14% would like to. Figures also found that, whilst only 2% of UK children currently scoot to school, 10% would like to.
Tragically, 30% of UK children are ‘worried’ and 29% are ‘sad’ that vehicles on our roads make up the majority of greenhouse gases in the UK, with private cars making up the biggest part of this.
Children concerned about school air quality
Bike to School Week
Bike to School Week is run annually by Sustrans and the Bikeability Trust. This year it will promote the benefits of walking, cycling and scooting to and from school, and takes place from 27 September to 1 October. Here’s more information about Bike To School week including a Teacher Resource Pack.

What next?
Encourage your children to do their Bikeability training and then practise cycling with them to build up their confidence and skills. It’s best to have your children in front of you so that they learn how to think for themselves.
If your children already cycle to school, give yourself a big pat on your back, as you are in the perfect position to encourage your school and other parents to join in. This way you can make walking, scooting and cycling the normal way to get to school and nurture the next generation of happy, healthy cyclists.