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Surviving Winter

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Cold dark days, bad weather, corny adverts and pressure to buy stuff you and your family don’t really need (yet another bottle of perfume?). No wonder many people hate winter and cannot wait until it’s over. Here’s one interesting view from an ex-pat Russian.

Handy survival guide to get you through winter

Instead of being glum about it, here’s your handy survival guide to making the most of this season. After all it does happen every year!

1. Rediscover walking

Many of us discovered the joys and health benefits of regular walking during lockdown, so why not carry on? Dr Michael Mosely talks about this on his podcast here.

2. Master a new skill

Keep your brain active by learning something new. This could be enrolling in a class or taking up that hobby you’ve wanted to do for ages. Or simply read the instruction manual and have a go.

3. Sharpen Your Knives

One of my pet peeves is blunt knives, whether in the kitchen, workshop or garden. In fact, a blunt knife is more dangerous than a sharp one. Also learning how to use a wet stone ticks number 2 as well! Here’s Jamie Oliver teaching Knife Skills.

4. Declutter

Spending more time indoors is the ideal time to take stock of what you’ve got. Do you really need everything, or could you make better use of your space? There’s loads of self-help books and videos out there if you need guidance.

5. Think About Alternative Christmas Presents

Following on from number 4, you could use recycled gifts as a way of avoiding the pressure to buy new stuff for friends and family. It could be that they all think the same but were too afraid to ask.

6. Do Some Winter Gardening

Our favourite gardening programmes may have ended but there’s still plenty to do outdoors. You also get free exercise! Raking leaves, pruning trees and shrubs, lawn scarifying. Now’s also the time to plant overwintering bulbs like onions, garlic and spring flowers. Plus also plant a native, mixed-species hedge from rootstock.

7. Service And Maintain Your Gardening Tools

Give your gardening tools an annual service. Clean them thoroughly, sharpen anything with an edge, repair what you can or note what needs replacing. Get your lawnmower serviced now and avoid the spring rush. You can also tidy up your shed and plan what you want to grow next year.

8. Pick Something To Look Forward To Next Year

Anything from a holiday, event or even something natural like the spring bluebells will give you something positive to look forward to.

Mental Health In Winter

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